Friday, April 23, 2010


Seven Golden alphabets form a magical word - Success.Its an arduous job to define it, but cant help it, I have taken the onus of doing so.
Who wants to be successful - Everyone.
Who actually become successful - Very few.
The reason behind this is the inability to define success for themselves.
If I ask you, Yes you the reader of this post to define success for yourself, it would be a bit tough, time taking and of course a brainstorming session for you (don't worry the same is for me).
Success can be in terms of financial stability, rewards and recognition from the society or it can be too small as- Having a small family in a small town with a small car parked in a small house,working in a small company/business with small savings = Self respect and Mental Peace.
Lets leave all this philosophy and talk something of management.
Three easy steps of defining success - I.F.S
Now don't guess it as Indian Foreign Service/International Federal Society etc.
Just read below..

Individual - First and foremost important is the individuals own interest and capabilities.Now comes the difficulty of locating ones own interest, but capabilities are crystal clear.If you go with only capabilities, you will deliver to the environment but within yourself you will not be sure of it.
If you go with only interest, people with capabilities in the same area will easily surpass you.
So, what to do BOSS??????????????????????????
Look for area where you have both interest and capabilities? difficult to get.
That the dilemma, an if you have an answer to it, please feel free to comment or mail me.
Family - Individual success is not the only thing, you need to take your family along with you.I need not explain this very much as it has been well portrayed and displayed in hollywood movies, where the person moves ahead with success, leaving back their family and in-turn loosing their love, care affection respect and many more things.
Society - Even animals think of their community, whether it may be ants, deers or any other animal, we being the greatest animal on this planet should contribute something to the society in any was possible and hence disproving the below saying : -
A baby fish asked her mother: why can't we live on earth?
Mother Fish: Earth is not the place for fishes,Its made for

Monday, April 5, 2010


This term "Value Addition" seems to be very interesting but there are many things that have no value addition in our life, but we still keep on doing those things.
Now, a big question is to decide what is value adding and what is useless/non-value adding.
As the famous adage says - "Knowledge never goes in vain".But in today's highly competitive world we cant spend time in doing things which are of no immediate benefit.We need to priorities.
Again, you never know what is going to come in use when.So its very difficult to get out of this dilemma.
At this point of time, when i am in 5th term of my PGPM and companies are coming for placements, most of my friends want to pursue only those things which could help them get a better job.People have made efforts to provide weightage to there Resume.
(Research papers/Management events and all that)
Now, at this point of time if we are sitting in the classes and learning what we have learned in previous terms doesn't seems beneficial (In some classes, not in all).
But again we cant decide what actually we want to learn and what we don't want to.
Anyways we all might be thinking differently at this time, what i felt was stated above that i am not sure what to do and what not to do.
In case somebody has something value adding to be shared please let me know..........................................................