Monday, September 28, 2009


Hello everyone.I am here to surf the new ideas n thoughts so as to fulfill my dreams.
People think that dreams never come true,i just want to know how many of us believe this statement to be correct.
My opinion is that dreams definitely come true, its just that we start finding happiness in small things, such as .................
Please fill this blanks with thing that make you happy.
Together we all can find ways to be happy and make others joy full.

We now a days talk more and more about the level of satisfaction we achieve in performing a task.
Can we measure satisfaction in percentage(%).
Today Stress Management has become a profession.People charge you to bring you in a calm and composed state by various activities - Yoga, Laughter Therapy etc.
If we ourself remain pleasant,passing smile to others(in turn recieving the same), we can do wonders in our life.